READING MY LIPS ... On Tuesday June 13, I gave a speech to traders on the New York Board of Trade. I used that opportunity to review the major intermarket principles relating to the dollar, commodities, bonds, and stocks. I talked about the impact of the dollar on foreign ETFs, and the close connection between commodity prices and emerging markets. I reviewed why I believe the new emergence of Japan is contributing to global inflation pressures and rising global bond yields -- and the potentially negative impact that could have on global stocks. I also review recent sector rotations out of basic materials and energy stocks and into consumer staples and utilities -- and why that could also carry a negative message for the stock market and the economy. All of the points have been covered at one time or another in my Market Messages. But it's one of the few chances I've had to try to put all of these intermarket factors together in one presentation. And I thought you'd like to see it through the courtesy of the NYBOT. You can see and hear it by clicking on the following link:
Click Here to View Presentation
(Note: Requires Microsoft Windows Media Player to view)