With the Dow getting ready to test its January lows, things are really getting busy here at StockCharts. Our market commentators have all the market angles covered below, so I wanted to take a couple of minutes and update you on our progress with SharpCharts2 - our soon-to-be-released replacement for our current charting tool.
Our Beta release program is winding down now and we have been making great progress incorporating everyone's feedback into the newest version. We are hoping to have the final Beta version out before the end of the month with the final version appearing shortly thereafter.
On of the key pieces of feedback that we received from our last Beta release was that we still weren't there with respect to chart colors. While it is true that colors aren't as important as, say, calculation accuracy, having attractive, easy-to-view charts is one of our hallmarks so, as promied, we've been putting more energy into improving the use of color in SharpCharts2. That work isn't finished yet, but I did want to get everyone a sneak peek at where we stand right now.
Here are some partial snapshots of our newest color schemes - Blue, Night, SeaGreen, Sand, Monochrome, and BlueGray. (You can see complete versions of these snapshots on this page.)
Hopefully, you'll notice the improvements we've made in terms of contrast, definition and clarity with these schemes versus similar schemes in the Beta 6 version. Again, this is just a taste of things to come. We'll have lots more color schemes and color options in the next Beta release. Stay tuned...