TECH PREVIEWExplore the sample charts for our next generation of SharpCharts and let us know what you think!
Members Tip
As a StockCharts Member, you can customize your GalleryView charts with the indicators, overlays and other settings of your choosing.
To do so, simply create new ChartStyles from the SharpCharts Workbench and save them with the names "GalleryDaily", "GalleryWeekly" and "GalleryIntraday". The settings and indicators you save for those custom
ChartStyles will automatically appear here on the GalleryView page.
For detailed instructions on how to customize your GalleryView charts and others around the site,
Click Here.
The Next Generation Of SharpCharts Is Coming Soon!
We've been hard at work on major updates to our award-winning "SharpCharts" platform, including new indicators, new overlays, tons of new style and chart scaling settings and far more data options than ever before.
And today, we're pulling back the curtains and giving you an early sneak peek!
This technology preview lets you click through 8 different sample charts that have been thoughtfully curated to give you a sense of what will be possible with the next generation of SharpCharts. It's just the beginning, but we're excited to share these previews with you now.
And we'd love to hear from you! Explore the preview and then let us know what you think using the "Share Your Feedback" button at the top of the page.