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The Canadian Technician ChartList

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$BTCUSD 20230113
$BTCUSD 20230519
$COMPQ - Weekly
$COPPER 20230303
$CRB 20230714
$DJUSOQ Oil Equipment, Services 20230721
$DJUSSW - Software
$DWCREE - Dow Jones US Renewable Energy Equipment Index
$ETHUSD - Ethereum to US Dollar
$GOLD 20220311
$GOLD 20230521 Weekly
$NDX - Nasdaq 100 Index
$NDX - Nasdaq 100 Index 2
$NDX 60 minute
$SPX - Monthly Performance %
$SPX -YTD Performance %
$SPX weekly
$TSX - Weekly 20230721
$USD 20221021 Weekly
$USD 20230519
$UST30Y 20221216 Spread
$WTIC 20230705
$WTIC 20230707 weekly
EUFN 2023
GDX 20230707
IGV 20230519
SLX 20230519
SMH 20230721