Hello Fellow ChartWatchers!
Markets are pulling back from their highs on increasing volume. You can see the weekly and daily charts with my annotations by clicking here. But even in this declining market environment, there are always possibilities. My "Strengthening Strength" scan (included at the bottom of the page I just linked to) found several promising gems including the Biotech Products ETF (BBP), Glaukos (GKOS), Clovis Oncology (CLVS), Activision/Blizzard (ATVI) and several others. (Read this article if you aren't familiar with my stock picking approach.)
How ChartCon 2016 Will Help You Make Better Investing Decisions
As you (hopefully) know, ChartCon 2016 - our online conference for all StockCharts users - starts this coming Friday! The theme for this year's ChartCon is "Building your own customized technical trading system" and I wanted to take a moment to expand on that so you know what to expect.
Many people dive head-first into Technical Analysis and charting without understanding the context it should be used in. I did that myself 25 years ago when I got my first copy of (DOS-based) MetaStock.
"Wow! These charts look great! All the lines seem useful! And all this new terminology sounds really promising! The Ultimate Oscillator?! How can I lose?!?!"
Sound familiar?
Every day our Customer Support team hears from someone else in that same mental state. They are thrilled with all the tools and options that StockCharts provides, but they have no idea (or worse a very wrong idea) about where to start.
Past ChartCons - and our webinars and our seminars - have focused mainly on how to use the tools at StockCharts effectively. And while that is definitely important, this time we are going to focus on the bigger picture. How can you use Technical Analysis to actually TRADE. It turns out there is a lot more to it than what those commercials for on-line brokers show you!
Every experienced investor will tell you that success in the market is as much about your mental approach as it is about your stock picking prowess. You need several other "puzzle pieces" in place before you will be able to successfully profit from the trading ideas and setups that StockCharts.com gives you. Those puzzle pieces are what this ChartCon will focus on. By the end, I guarantee you'll have a much better idea of what you need to focus on to improve your trading results.
Q: But Chip, I already have a successful trading system. What's in it for me?
A: That's terrific! I hope our tools play a part in your success. As an experienced investor, I'm sure you know that you can never stop learning and improving your trading. ChartCon 2016 will include tons of tips, tricks and ideas for "tweaking" an existing system and making it even better. And, of course, you'll hear directly from our expert Technical Titans - John Murphy and Martin Pring - about where they think things are headed. I'm confident that every presentation will have something for everyone regardless of how experienced (or "experience-challenged") they are.
Q: This sounds great Chip. When is it again?
A: ChartCon 2016 starts on Friday, September 23rd and runs thru the end of the day on Saturday, September 24th. It's an on-line conference. All you need to watch it is a computer and an Internet connection.
Q: Crud - I have to work on Friday. Will it be recorded?
A: Absolutely! However - and this is very important - in order to see the recording, you need to register for the conference before Friday. Only people that register before Friday will have access to the recordings.
Q: OK, good. But my Internet connection isn't the best. Will I be able to watch the conference?
A: We'd be very surprised if you couldn't. We are using one of the best streaming services out there - Livestream - to send the broadcast to your computer. Livestream automatically provides the stream in several different bandwidths at the same time. So if the Hi-res broadcast isn't working for you, you can switch to a less taxing setting and see if that works better.
Another nice thing is that Livestream allows you to "rewind" the live broadcast and review anything you missed the first time.
To help you test Livestream ahead of the conference, we have recorded a short test video for you to check out. Here's the link: https://livestream.com/stockcharts/cc-video-test
Please click on that link to test Livestream and see a short message from Grayson and myself!
Notes on this test:
- If you have any technical problems with the Livestream viewer, please consult this page for help.
- If you have Norton Security and it tells you "Livestream is a dangerous website", please just ignore that message. Norton is referring to a completely different broadcast from ours.
- This test video was very hastily put together using my laptop camera. The acutally conference will be MUCH more professional we promise!
- Just before the conference begins, we will send out the official video link and password to all registered participants. It will be different from this test link and you will need a password to access it.
To see the complete speaker line-up, the conference agenda, and to register for ChartCon 2016, please click here!
See you on Friday!
- Chip