Hello Fellow ChartWatchers!
Happy New Year to you and yours. Here are the results for last year in PerfChart form:
All-in-all, bleh. The Nasdaq outperformed everyone else - mainly because of a spurt back in February. In reality, everything has been negative since the start of March. When both the NYSE (blue chips) and Russell 2000 (small caps) are battling for last place, you know the overall market is weak.
Looking Back and Looking Forwards into 2016!
Long time ChartWatchers know that I also begin each year with a review of what we've added in the previous year. Hey, it's tradition! So here we go:
Last year at this time, I listed a bunch of features that I hoped we would complete in 2015. Here's the list and my thoughts about how we did:
- International Stock Data - we did add delayed data for LSE and NSE-India stocks to our database. We are working hard on allowing real-time intraday data for those exchanges as well and expect that to roll out in the first quarter of 2016.
- Webinars - Holy cow! 2015 was definitely the year of the webinar at StockCharts. We produced and archived over 300 free webinars for our users in 2015. Hopefully you had a chance to see some of them. We expect to continue providing lots of high-quality, technically-focused webinars in 2016 as well.
- Improved Webinar Registration - Things are much better than they were but we still have several big improvements in store for 2016.
- More Tom Bowley - Tom's 3 webinars per week have been a well-received addition to our commentary lineup and that should continue in 2016 as well. His blog is awesome as well.
- Wyckoff-Oriented Blog - Bruce Fraser's blog now has over 30 terrific Wyckoff-oriented articles. You can expect many more in 2016.
- More ChartPacks - Well, Greg Schnell still owes me however we did get new ChartPacks from Greg Morris, Arthur Hill and Gatis Roze. Maybe if we all say "I believe in Greg Schnell" out loud, he will grace us with a ChartPack in 2016.
- Paper Trading Game - This one has proved elusive. We are still making progress on it, but challenges remain. I'd say it is 50-50 for 2016.
- New ChartNotes - This one we did make tons of progress on, but there is still tons to do. Look for it around the middle of the year (he says...)
- New P&F Workbench - Done. It is excellent.
- Index and Market Indiciator Improvements - Done. Also excellent. Have you see our new index documentation database?
- Online SCU Events - The webinars kind of overtook this idea. We expect to create several SCU videos and DVDs in 2016 however.
- Fundamental Data - Frankly, this fell through. The deal we were offered would have cost us a fortune and frankly, the free data on other website would still have been better.
- An App - No actual progress on this but we have hired someone how will start working on this very soon. Fingers strongly crossed on this one.
In addition to all of that stuff, we have lots of other stuff in store for 2016. Having learned my lesson from last year's list, I'm not going to give out a ton of details except to say two things:
- Our focus will be on "Helping our users make money using simple approaches that make sense." We'll still have our huge industry-leading collection of technical tools, but if you feel overwhelmed by all of those choices, help is on the way!
- Instead of holding a physical ChartCon 2016 conference in Seattle, we will be holding an on-line version this fall. That way more people can attend for less expense. We'll have several technical tricks up our sleeves to try and make the online version of ChartCon just as fun as the previous versions. Stay tuned for more details!
Thanks again for being great StockCharts users. Here's to a great, profitable 2016!
- Chip