
Getting the Point of Point & Figure Charts

Chip Anderson

Chip Anderson


Hello Fellow ChartWatchers!

Over the past couple of weeks, we been revamping our Point & Figure charting tool.  The new version was released last week.  It has several key improvements including:

  • You can now add up to 6 chart overlays per chart
  • You can save your settings as the "Default" P&F settings and they will be used for all new P&F charts you create
  • The parameter boxes for the various Scaling options now only appear when the corresponding Scaling option is chosen
  • Price Objectives are controlled by the "Price Objective" dropdown.  You can also turn off Price Objectives if you want
  • Intraday P&F Charts no longer are forced to use the "ATR" scaling method
  • Several predefined P&F ChartStyles are now available via the ChartStyles dropdown
  • ... and much more.

Overall, the new P&F Workbench now has a "look & feel" that is very similar to the SharpCharts workbench.  If you are familiar with using that page, using the P&F Workbench should be pretty straightforward.

Last Saturday, the ChartWatchers LIVE webinar was dedicated to demonstrating P&F Charts in general and the new workbench in particular.  If you haven't seen the video of the webinar and you want to learn about P&F charting, I strongly encourage you to review that particular video.  In it, you'll see why Point & Figure charts are one of my favorite analysis tools.

(Click on the image above to watch the video.)

- Chip

Chip Anderson
About the author: is the founder and president of He founded the company after working as a Windows developer and corporate consultant at Microsoft from 1987 to 1997. Since 1999, Chip has guided the growth and development of into a trusted financial enterprise and highly-valued resource in the industry. In this blog, Chip shares his tips and tricks on how to maximize the tools and resources available at, and provides updates about new features or additions to the site. Learn More