NEW "WHAT'S NEW" AREA - We've reworked the "What's New" area on the "Members" page so that it now shows you all of the latest posts from our various blogs. I know that some of you just look at your charts and never read the "What's New" area but please do yourself a favor and click the "Members" tab every now and then to look for interesting articles and announcements there.
BLOGGING FOR THESTREET.COM - Our new blog "Don't Ignore This Chart!" is pretty popular. So popular in fact that it has been picked up by TheStreet,com's new website,! If you haven't checked it out, click here to see a collection of articles on charts with "interesting" technical developments.
MORE STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIALS - We're continuing to add more tutorials to our Step-by-Step area. Or first two were about how to create charts with multiple stocks on them - either overlaid or side-by-side. Since then, we've been cranking out tutorials that can help you make sure your computer is configured correctly. Look for more charting-oriented tutorials soon.