Hello Fellow ChartWatchers!
This week is the start of big changes here at StockCharts.com. We are moving much of our free content over into a new set of Blogs. ("Blogs" are Web Logs - collections of articles on a particular topic.) Things like, well, this newsletter are actually perfect for the Blog format. And so, this is the first blog-based version of ChartWatchers!
What does that mean? If you only read ChartWatchers as email in your mailbox, it doesn't mean much. But if you look at ChartWatchers on the web, it means that you can now read many of the articles BEFORE they are sent out in email. As soon as each author sends us their article, we'll add it to the ChartWatchers Blog area where you can read it immediately. If you subscribe to that blog with a "Feed Notification tool", you'll get notified as soon as new articles are ready. No more waiting until all the articles are complete!
(Again, don't panic. If you like reading ChartWatchers as an email message, you don't need to do a thing. It will still show up in your email box like it always has.)
Now, we didn't stop with just making ChartWatchers into a blog. We added a slew of additional blogs that should help you get more value out of StockCharts.com. Some of these currently contain some old content - we're in the process of migrating all the old ChartWatchers for example - and some of these are brand new! Here's a run down:
A behind-the-scenes look at StockCharts.com from the president's perspective.
A new feature from us. A daily look at charts with interesting technical developments.
The new home for our free newsletter. Look for articles to appear here first before they are sent out as complete emails.
StockCharts.com - Mailbag
Our "Letters to the Editor" blog. Real questions from real users with real answers from the people that better darn well know... us!
Tips, tricks and example stock scans that can help you get the most out of the StockCharts.com Scan Engine.
Reports about server availability. Every day we'll post a summary of our service performance including how much downtime we had (if any).
StockCharts.com - Step by Step
Our tutorial blog with lots of easy to follow instructions for doing common tasks. Charting, scanning, changing settings - even fixing common browser problems; all will be explained with lots of pictures to guide you through.
StockCharts.com - What's New
Latest announcements about new content and features on StockCharts.com.
I strongly encourage everyone to check out all these blogs on a regular basis and subscribe to them if you can. We'll be updating them often. Just click on the "Blogs" link on the left side of any of the pages on our website.
BIG NEWS: John Murphy has released "The Visual Investor, 2nd Edition"!
John's original version of "The Visual Investor" influenced me heavily. It was extremely easy to read and it has helped hundreds of thousands of people understand how to use financial charts to make investing decisions. Now John has completely revised "The Visual Investor" to bring it into the age of the Internet. New charts, new chapters, new examples - but with the same old easy-to-read logic that has helped a generation of chartists get started.
...which is why we have it on sale in our bookstore right now. Get you copy now.