NOTHING SPECIAL HAPPENING HERE - NOPE - It's certainly not worth your time to completely read Chip's article this week. Nope. I'd just skip it entirely.
NETWORK SPEED BACK TO NORMAL WITH ZERO ERRORS! - We've been slowly and steadily getting the speed of our network back up to Gigabit speed. (We had to slow it down last month in order to avoid some performance bottlenecks that had crept into things - see the last two newsletter for details.) I'm please to say we are back to our Gigabit speed and have been running for six days now with a grand total of zero internal network errors! Even on good days in the past, we always had a small but measurable amount of internal network errors - never again. At this point, even one internally dropped network packet is one too many!
CHILLER CHILLING Our huge new chiller (which will be used to cool our hot, hot servers) was turned on for the first time last week and is now generating 40-degree water in a testing mode. That's the last step in our long-running server room upgrade project. Soon we will be ready to re-locate our servers back into their new home. At this point, it looks like that will happen in two weeks but keep checking the "What's New" area of the Members Home Page for updates.
![Chip Anderson](/img/bio/chip-anderson.jpg)