- Now is your chance to pre-order Greg Morris' new book, "The Complete Guide to Market Breath Indicators". This completely new book is a compilation of all the major (and most of the minor) market breadth indicators that are in use today. Be the first on your block to own this new classic.
Click here for more info.
IT'S A GAS, GAS, GAS! - We were able to add a new dataset to our system last week - Gasoline. The symbol is $GASO and, like all of our other commodity-based indices, it is an End-of-Day index that represents the fictional "continuous" contract for unleaded gasoline as traded on the NYMEX. While you can't do anything about the high price of gasoline, now you can see how that price corresponds to the movements of any other stock or index in our system. Enjoy!

About the author:
Chip Anderson is the founder and president of StockCharts.com.
He founded the company after working as a Windows developer and corporate consultant at Microsoft from 1987 to 1997.
Since 1999, Chip has guided the growth and development of StockCharts.com into a trusted financial enterprise and highly-valued resource in the industry.
In this blog, Chip shares his tips and tricks on how to maximize the tools and resources available at StockCharts.com, and provides updates about new features or additions to the site.
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