- Beta 6 - The goal of Beta 6 is to show everyone what the final User Interface (the buttons and checkboxes and dropdowns) will look like. Up until now, we've been focused mostly on the charts - Beta 6 is focused mostly on making them easy to create. Look for us to release Beta 6 sometime this week.
- Beta 7 - The goal of Beta 7 is to allow members to save and retrieve charts in their favorites list(s). Look for us to release Beta 7 is two to three weeks (depending on how Beta 6 goes).
- RC - "Release Candidate" will be the final chance for people to test SharpCharts2 before it goes live on the site replacing SharpCharts1. Look for the "RC" release a couple of weeks after Beta 7 goes out (again, depending on feedback).
NEW INDICATORS - When Beta 6 does appear later this week, look for three new indicators to make their appearance: Bollinger's %B, the Elder Force Index, and the Detrended Price Oscillator. Look for articles that will explain how to use these new indicators to appear in our ChartSchool in the near future.
Didn't see your favorite indicator in the list above? Let us know in our Beta Feedback Discussion area.
STOCKCHARTS WINS AGAIN! - Thanks to the support of our loyal users (hey, that's you!), StockCharts.com has once again won the prestigious"Readers Choice" Award from Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine. This is the third year in a row we've won the award and we are thrilled. Thanks to everyone who voted for us!