Art's Charts

September 2024

Art's Charts

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An Indicator to Reduce Whipsaws and Ride Trends

by Arthur Hill

Whipsaws and losing trades are part of the process for trend-following strategies. These are expenses, and simply unavoidable. Over time, trend-following strategies will catch a few big trends and these profits will more than cover the expenses... Read More 

Art's Charts

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Market Timing for a Rules-Based Strategy

by Arthur Hill

Any strategy that trades stocks needs some sort of market timing mechanism to identify bull and bear markets. Typically, stock strategies are fully invested during bull markets because risk is acceptable. Strategies move to cash during bear markets because risk is above average... Read More 

Art's Charts

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It all Started with a Big Bang!

by Arthur Hill

Extended trends often start with big bangs and major breakouts. Chartists can identify "big bang" moves by showing price change in ATR terms. We can use the price charts to identify big breakouts. Today's example will show Paypal (PYPL), which is part the FinTech ETF (FINX)... Read More