Art's Charts

August 2024

Art's Charts

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This Housing-Related Stock Just Printed a 5 for the Trend Composite

by Arthur Hill

The Home Construction ETF (ITB) is leading the market as it surged to a new closing high this week. While this high is certainly bullish and points to upside leadership, the real signal triggered back in early July as the Trend Composite turned bullish with an outsized move... Read More 

Art's Charts

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TLT Turns the Corner and Starts to Lead

by Arthur Hill

The 20+ Yr Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) is turning the corner as a long-term trend indicator turns bullish and price extends on a breakout. TLT is also starting to outperform the S&P 500 EW ETF (RSP), for the first time in a long time... Read More 

Art's Charts

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This Breadth Indicator Points to More Downside and a Potential Opportunity

by Arthur Hill

The broad market and the group are big drivers for stock performance. Recently, the Nasdaq 100 ETF (QQQ) led the market lower with sizable declines over the last five weeks... Read More